To backup a table inside mysql, you will need to use the 'BACKUP TABLE' statement. The syntax for this is "BACKUP TABLE [table_name] to '[path]';"
Here is an example:
To restore the backup means to use the backup saved. It is used to return the data to its original condition. The syntax for this is "RESTORE TABLE [tablename] from '[path'];"
Here is an example:
Another way of backing up mysql database is by using mysqldump. You will need to use this outside of the mysql program. The syntax for this is "mysqldump -u root -p [database_name] > [path][filename]"
Here is an example:
To restore the backup stored using mysqldump you will need to use this syntax "mysql -u root -p [databasename]<[path][filename]"
Here is an example:
There are many arguments you can use in mysqldump.
To backup all the databases use this syntax:
"mysqldump --all-databases > [path][filename]"
To backup a specific database use this syntax:
"mysqldump -u root -p --databases [database_name] [database_name] > [path][filename]"
To backup all the tables in a database use this syntax:
"mysqldump -u root -p [database_name] > [path][filename]"
To backup a specific table use this syntax:
"mysqldump -u root -p [database_name] [table_name] [table_name] > [path][filename]"
Another way of creating a backup is by the use of "SELECT INTO" statement. "SELECT...INTO" enables a query to be written on a file. There are three kinds of using this. There is the "SELECT...INTO OUTFILE", the "SELECT...INTO DUMPFILE" and the "SELECT...INTO VAR_LIST".
The "SELECT...INTO OUTFILE writes a selected table into a file. The syntax for this is "SELECT...INTO OUTFILE [filename] FIELDS TERMINATED BY [terminator] FROM [tablename];"
Here is an example:
Here is the output:
To restore the data back to the database you will need to use the "LOAD DATA INFILE" statement. To use this the syntax is "LOAD DATA INFILE [filename] INTO TABLE [name_of_tables] LINES TERMINATED BY [terminator];.
Here is the output:
For more information about select into visit the mysql website here.
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